Daily Performance Summary

This summary consists of statistical information about the daily performance of Boursa Kuwait, it includes but not limited to, the Boursa four indices’ closings with comparison to the previous day, week and year, in addition to the daily and annual performance of the sectors’ indices. Moreover, the summary includes the Boursa total market capitalization and its distribution on the Premier and Main markets, with a graph reflecting the historical change in the market cap since the beginning of the subject year and until the day closing date. It also includes statistics of the most active shares during the day, in terms of price or value and volume. This summary is prepared on a daily basis, immediately after the closing of the regular trading session of the Boursa.


Weekly Performance Summary

This summary includes a description of Boursa Kuwait’s performance and the trading activity during a specific week, along with its historical performance since the beginning of the year, in addition to the weekly performance of the Boursa total market capitalization and its distribution on the Premier and Main markets. The summary also includes a graph with a historical performance of the Boursa All-Share Index during the last five sessions, in comparison to the trading values. In addition, it summarizes the sectors’ indices on the weekly and annual level, with a snap shot of the most active stocks during the week in terms of volume and value, and the increase or decrease in the closing price.


Monthly Performance Summary

This summary pinpoints the monthly performance of the Boursa and the trend of its main indices, with reasoning to such trend based on the monthly statistics and news disclosed on the official website of the Boursa, and on the other economic news highlights that affected the trading activity. It also includes various statistics of the Boursa’s performance during the month, such as sectors’ indices and its ranking in terms of the increase or decrease, in addition to the totals of the total trades and distribution among the Boursa’s sectors.